Friday, December 02, 2005

Bring Back the Represent In Representative

Is it just me, but aren't our sages in Washington supposed to be representatives of what I want? If so, then I am not getting my money's worth. The little guy, the guy that pays the salaries of these...these...these politicians, too often gets left at the gate. I like a horserace like any other guy but, geeze, can I pick the horse? And the jockey? And the track?

A few specifics; Randy Cunningham, Tom Delay, et al.
Is the prevailing attitude "we're only in it for the money"? When I was in college I wanted to study Political Science so that I could get in on the graft before it dried up. Seems it is not in danger of that.

I'm tired of these yahoos running my country. I am tired of a foreign policy that does not take into account my opinions. I'm frankly, tired of being tired about this. This is not my America. My America is cordial, doesn't bomb things and people, keeps it's nose out of other peoples' business and gets on with things. My America died shortly after 1900 I know, but, can't my America rise from the dead and breathe again?

These nincompoops that we, bigger nincompoops (IMHO), re-elect with naseating regularity, threaten the fabric of our national being. Term limits would be a good start. Let's throw out the 'experienced leadership' and start putting in 'enlightened leadership' instead. I would gladly stand for any office, anytime, anywhere.

And I wouldn't only do it for the money.

Love and kisses from the other side.


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