Tookie Is A Twinkie?
Well, well, well. It seems that the time is counting down for Tookie. In less than two weeks the state of California will off another of it's distinguished citizens.
Tookie says he didn't do it. His lawyer states he believes him. It would be headlines if his lawyer says he doesn't believe him. Headlines are not forthcoming.
I am a great believer in the death penalty. Those who say that it does not deter crime forget one thing, it will certainly deter the guy getting the juice (both electric and otherwise).
The only thing that I have against the death penalty as it is conveyed in this country is the agonizingly long time it takes to off these yahoos. Twenty years is too long. Heck, twenty minutes is too long. I am well aware that if the tables were turned and it were me in the condemned man's place that I would want every appeal that would be afforded to me to save my life. One thing wrong with that is, it isn't going to be me. I value the sanctity of life and I couldn't stick a gun in anybody's face and say, "This is a stickup!" It's the other guy and he is guilty as hell. Tookie claims to be a changed man, and I believe him. I don't think he has killed anyone in the last 25 years or so.
I'm sick and tired of hearing about how many Nobel Prize nominations poor Tookie, (an exemplary human being who co-founded the Crips and personally killed four people) has recieved. If people knew what an exemplary person I am, then maybe I could cop a few of those prizes myself. Who are the idiots that make up those nominations? Wouldn't the King's medal look nice on Tookie's cell wall and couldn't he use the cash for his commisary draw?
Tookie was nominated for his work in trying to convince kids not to join the gang that he co-founded. Now's there's a novel approach. "I know I'm a Crip, and will always be a Crip but I don't want you to be a Crip because I don't want you to win the Nobel Prize, it's mine! All mine!" Yep, the King should be wetting his pants to meet Tookie in person in the prison visiting room.
So, here's to you, Tookie! Let us pray and hope that your Christmas will make us all merry and bright. If my lights go dim around midnight or so, I'll know that life is a little bit sweeter without you in it.
You "value the sanctity of life" but support the death penalty. LOL
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