Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Take A Heapin' Helpin' From The Cosmic Mind

Having discovered over the years the giga-ways that Man has tried to screw their fellow man, I feel that you out there in the Blogosphere must share in this wretched scam. I innoccently TIVO'ed a movie entitled "What The **&^ Do We Know?" I read the blurb and it stated that the movie was a documentary about "physics" as discussed by scientists, journalist and get this, mystics and psychics.

It was the reference to the mystics and psychics that caught my eye, therefore, I tivo'ed the one and a half movie in the attempt to raise my cosmic softer side. The first image blow at me consisted of a deep voiced narrator stating "In the beginning there was the void..." Oh Boy! And we are taken on an space viewed trip from Pluto until we smash into Earth. That clip hurt my head; never fear for I will find the key to helping myself within the next hour and a half. The next shot consists of some wild haired scientist telling me that he does't believe that what he believes is the truth and that he can not believe if that was the truth after all.....Yeeep.

I don't have to tell you that it went swiftly downhill after that.

From what I could discern what these various "scientists" (one was a chirapractor, I don't think he worked for NASA) blathered about is that quantum physics is the answer to everything, even God. In very serious terms these individuals explained how the brain worked, basic stuff if you read any physics at all. But then they slowly verged off into how Quantum Physics can show us how to change ourselves into wonderful, compassionate humans is to start each day planning your mental state. I can't wait to plan my mental state on the toilet. Does it hurt houseplants to be stored bathrooms?

We moved swiftly through several "experts" enlightening us about the value of Quantum Physics in the direction of our lives. This gobble-dee-gook was presented in very stirring music, especially when they trotted out the mystic.

At least the mystic seemed to be an earnest middle aged woman for "channelled" a 35,000 year old spirit called Ramtha. How come all of the spirits are named after Indians? Channelling means that the woman would go into somewhat of a trance and then dispense the pearls of wisdom from this thirty five thousand year old dude. If he was able to separate his spiritual side from his coporal side then how the heck did he die?

The mystic was the highlight of the whole schmoe. However, there was a small piece about a scientist naame Emoto who conducted experiements with water. He labeled a bottle "thank you" and then got some "special" water from a Japanese dam and the next day from the water and took pictures of the water crystals. A beautiful snow-flake looking crystal was photo was taken. He thought that this was to show that this was the greatest discovery since peanut butter (for most of us anyway). After this movie was over I went to to find out about Emoto and I know that this will shock you that he had formed an institute to sell "Indigo Water". Indigo water promises to detox you and rid you of all of those years nasty toxins you have accummulated over the years. No Price Given, but you could only obtain this miracle water through Dr Emoto. Wasn't Emoto one of those Japanese robot guys flying around Godzilla?

This move trudged along until it came to some sort of an ending.

I was left with many questions, such as what the *&(^ did I just see? Was this a long commercial about water? Quantum physics? Perphaps Brain study? I don't know. Well, I think that I know but I don't believe that what I think I know is what I think to know..etc...etc...

Why hasn't Hollywood filmed the Epic of Gilgamesh? It had plot holes too.

Please, don't send fish.


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