Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Biggest Political Scandal Since, Well The Last Biggest Political Scandal

Oh boy! Ususally Washington waits until the summer to heat up their scandals, however, it looks they they jumped the gun on this one!

Jack, Jack, Jack. What do you have against the system? Why have you made so many "victims" of our legislators? Could it be criminal in nature, or are you just so aware that our poor "victims"don't have the kind of money that they should be entitled to? A concerned citizen, perhaps?

I have heard that a number of Senators are giving back the money that they obtained from you. Let me ask this; If I rob the bank today and the police track it back to me, can't I just return the money and not be charged with bank robbery? Even if I spend all the money, can't I just get a bank loan to pay it back? If the Senators have their way the concept would be the same. I'm sure if I point that out to a judge I would never be convicted. I'm a "victim" of society.

This promises to be the biggest politcal scandal since..well, the last biggest political scandal, which doesn't come to mind right now, but I'm sure that no political party will make hay out of this. I'm certain of it. Besides, the Democrates aren't what I would describe an "organized" party to begin with.

Good thing I gave up watching Fox News. Who knows what kind of headlines they have over there. Would the poop hit the fan if all of the felonious, whoops, I mean "victims" are Republicans? Bill, Alan, Mort and the rest would have to serve as apologists, a position that since 1992 I don't think they know how to act. How could Ann Coulter look herself in the mirror over that? Is there a "vast left wing conspiracy"? Is that even grammically possible? Does Ann dye her hair and did she just get out a shower without drying same hairand rush down to the studio to do the shows? Why, with that unfortunate hairstyle does she always appear on Hardball?

Need I remind you, dear readers, that for the most part, you voted these guys into office. You fell for the same old lies that politicians have been sprouting since Nebbakanezzer (Editor's note:Phonetic spellings are allowed according to the Bloggers Bible.) I vote, yes I do. But I only vote for women and communists, you can't pin this one on me.

One waits with antiscipation to see what comes of all of this. Will President Bush, by association, be impeached. It was his mangled sintax ( Editors Note: Ho, ho, ho!) that drove them over the edge. I know it's driving me over the edge but I'm not quite ready to impeach him for it. Will Condie Rice resign to take a billion dollar a year job as a lobbist? After all, someone has to take Jack's place.
Who will be in the backround pulling the strings if Dick Cheney becomes president?

I will be glued to my television (perhaps that is not a good idea because I wouldn't actually be able to see the television; it would be like radio, how passe`) to see how this transpires.

Sometimes I wish I lived in France. They have no moral problems there. In France, "Anything Goes". (Editors Note: The author regrets his last line and states that he will soon be released from the mental institution soon and to watch for his further posts!)

"Do you expect me to talk, Goldfinger?"
"No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I didn't know that I could get away with robbing banks. Thats a very neat little loophole. Thanks for the info.

10:21 AM  

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