The Most Expensive Sex In The World
One might wonder, Where is the most expensive sex in the world? One might think of ex0tic places such as the West Indies; one would be wrong. One might think of the East Indies; one would be wrong. One might even think The South Seas, or Mexico or any number of spots such as this across the world; again, one would be wrong.
To find the most expensive sex in the world you need go no father than Neverland in California. The cost of sex there is really high.
Take for example the price that you can get for fellatio on the Neverland Ranch. Best estimate, 15,000,000 dollars. That is how much Michael Jackson paid out in 1993. Plus, another 5,00,000 million dollars for lawyers fees and another 2,000,000 for the father of the boy, Jordan Chandler. I hope my wife doesn't read this blog. And if she does I hope she never asks me to...well at those prices I don't think I'll even ask.
Now, the place to go for the second most sex in the world...I'll give you all those other exotic places in the world and guess what? Your wrong again. For those of you playing at home and chose the Neverland Ranch in California...YOU WIN!
Yes, sir, this involves the most expensive crotch grope in the world. This would include 2,000,000 for the young boy involved Jason Francia, and his mother for this little party to go away. Two gropes on the outside of the shorts and one grope inside the shorts that, according to Jason, lasted two cartoons. I didn't think cartoons were that sexually charged but you would have to ask Michael Jackson about that. It seems to me that if the sky was blue, Michael Jackson was sexually charged. This did not take into account the 20,000 that the mother, who by the way was Michael Jackson's faithful maid recieved from Hard Copy tv. He trusted her. Hate to see what he would do with a maid that he hated.
Over the years I may have paid this kind of money to my wife but I would have to go over the bills for the last ten years and I'm too tired from writing this to check.
These are the known payouts that Mr Jackson has paid for this sex at Neverland. I don't know if anyone else was hitting this cash cow but if they weren't then Californians are dumber than I thought they were.
Actually, as you know this money paid out to these childern will never bring their innocence back. Nothing will do that. And the fact that Mr Jackson walked out of courthouse considered not guilty of taking their innocence is criminal in and of itself. Two people on the jury stated that they believed that he was a child molester but one said he didn't think he was guilty on this case and the other said she didn't like the victims mother. Lady, if you perfer a child molester over a mother, you need some serious help and the both of you need some serious butt-whooping. The other ten, no hope.
They say that money can get you out of a guilty finding. Well, Michael how much did you spend after the 27,000,000 that got you there?
Not enough, I hope.
Ta-ta from this side, my pretties.
Reaching for my calculator right now.
signed, your soon to be rich wife,
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