Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Death of A Devil

It has been sometime since I last posted to this blog. Either I have been very lazy (a theory that PZ subscribes to) or, I just haven't had anything worthwhile to say. However, on this day that reports the fact that Abu al- Zarqawi has been killed, I must speak out.

I have no love for the assassins that populate the Middle East. Violence in the name of "religion" is murder of the highest order. Christian history is also rift with this same concept. No surprise, most religions have been born out of blood. My opinion only. Unadorned with apologies.

al-Zarqawi was a devil. I am fully aware that it is a religious term, however, no other description could possibly apply. How could a murderous beast such as this sleep at night? How could he walk about, breathe my precious air? Being blown to bits was not enough for even now the vermins DNA still rests at that spot.

I have no argument with those that wish to believe in supernatural deities. If that is what blows your skirt up, go ahead on. I do have a problem with those who wish impose their "religion" on me, be it Muslim, Catholic, Christian or Hebrew. The silliness of the concept that "God" wills the death of "infidels" would be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that this idiots believe and practise this insane doctrine.

Are we innocents in the world? No, for we have stuck our noses into many briar patches and perhaps we deserve the thorns we get. There is no nation on earth that does not. Ethnic cleansing. Skin color. Religion. Politics. Take your pick. All are excuses to kill one another. And damned puny excuses at that.

I'm certain that George Bush is savoring the poll numbers he will get from this. I am certain that in some Iraqi circles the death of this beast is being, quietly, celebrated. This piece of filth has a long criminal record in his homeland of Jordan. If he wouldn't be killing Americans and Iraqis he would be raping and killing Jordanians. This is a religious man? If he be that, then I am glad that I am not.

al-Zarqawi should rot in hell, if there is such a place. Some would argue that this is hell. People like al-Zarqawi made it so.

How many virgins are caressing his blown to bits body? It will take more than the alloted seven, I'll tell you that.

Sorry, no comedy today, other than the Human Comedy at work again.

ta-ta and see al-Zarqawi on the other side.


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