Friday, January 27, 2006

Hamas? Hamas?

It wasn't that we could have seen it coming. I suppose the signs were all there. But, geez, Hamas? Voting in Hamas would be like voting in David Dukes for President. In the Palestinian parliament you now have Hamas with 76 seats and 43 seats for Fatah. Ok, this is like apples and oranges. Both parties have their roots in terrorism. Both organizations have never, nor will they ever, renounce terrorism as a basis for their existence.

But, this may work out. Maybe, ( a boy could dream), they would knock each other off. Yeah, I can see it now. Hamas killers riding around in 1920's vintage cars with machinegunners hanging out of the windows, spraying lead at any Fatah they happen to see on the streets. Then, in retaliation, Fatah supporters blowing up Hamas stores. Oh, boy! Democracy in the Middle East means who can kill who faster.

Perhaps they will have to import other groups to provide outside terrorism. Think the IRA or the Tamil Tigers are available? Lets see:

Fatah Member of Parliament: Hello? (Silence) Hello, is there anyone on the other side of the telephone call?
IRA Member: How did you get this number?
Fatah: Ah, Frank gave it to me.
IRA: Frank? Which Frank?
Fatah: You know which Frank, it's the only Frank you got working in Palestine.
IRA: Oh, that Frank. Okay! What can I do for you?
Fatah: Well, I'm calling to see if I can't get a little terror around here.
IRA: What, you don't have enough terror around there as it is?
Fatah: Well, yes but that terror is directed towards Israel. I need some directed ahh...elsewhere.
IRA: Humm. I take it this "elsewhere" would be somewhere in your neck of the woods?
Fatah: Yes.
IRA: Okay, can do. Where do you want the terror sent?
Fatah: I want you to blow the Parliament up.
IRA: Wait a minute I got to find a pencil and a piece of paper. (The sound of rummaging in the backround. A faint call is heard {Nell? Where did you put the paper and pencil? I know we've got some, I put the schematic of Dublin police station on it. Where? Ok, I found it.}) Still there?
Fatah: Still here. As I said I want to to blow up the Parliament.
IRA: Okay, when?
Fatah: Would Tuesday be too soon?
IRA: Nah, Tuesdays' good for us. What time are you thinking of?
Fatah: Around 2 or so.
IRA: Okay, ah, isn't Parliament in session then?
Fatah: Oh, most certainly. I want you to blow it up when everybody is sitting down drinking Turkish tea.
IRA: But...won't your guys be there too? Won't they get blown up too?
Fatah: Don't worry about that, they are expendable, after all that is what terror is all about!
IRA: Hey, it's your party and I don't say that in a political sense. We'll be there on Tuesday next, you got the explosives? You know it's a bear trying to get it on the plane these days.
Fatah: Don't I know it, those Al Qeada punks really put the kabash on that. It's okay though, we got tons of explosives left over from Arafat, all you need.
IRA: Okay, let me mark this down on my calendar..ahh, wait, Tuesdays' no good, we're bombing the snot out of the London subway on that day. But I got an opening on Thursday. Is Thursday good for you?
Fatah: No sweat, Thursdays' good.
IRA: Okay, then. See you then and would you do a favor for me?
Fatah: Most certainly.
IRA: Tell Frank I said hello and that if he gives out this number again I'll have him blown up too.
Fatah: Hey, I got some contacts with the Tamil Tigers. I could take care of that for you.
IRA: Don't you guys do that anymore?
Fatah: Heck no, we're politicians now.

In the Middle East,there's nothing like bringing in a little terror to brighten up your life.

Ta-ta, and tuck the kiddies in for me, will ya?


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